Blood Cleanup

Suicide | Homicide | Unattended Death Cleaning


Crime Scene Cleaning


If you have had a death on your property, you are dealing with enough trauma. Firestorm Disaster Services, LLC can handle the safe removal of bloodstains and other bodily fluids that are inherent to suicide and homicide deaths. Leave the blood cleanup to professionals for your physical and mental health. Firestorm Disaster Services, LLC can also take the burden of working with the insurance claim filing off your hands.


Call for Emergency Service

(724) 582-7027


Why Call Firestorm Disaster Services, LLC for Suicide Cleanup?

For fast and discreet cleaning of blood from suicide, call (724) 582-7027 right away. You will be treated with the compassion and respect you need and deserve. Firestorm Disaster Services, LLC's skilled team of specialty cleaning professionals will take care of your property and restore it to its original condition. With more than 41 years of experience with cleaning residences after suicide, you can rest assured that your property will be fully cleaned, disinfected, and deodorized. All Firestorm Disaster Services, LLC's cleaners adhere to the strictest OSHA standards for biohazard cleaning to ensure safety. 


Professional Homicide Cleanup

Our crime scene cleaning crews are frequently called to clean up after a homicide. Blood and other biofluid cleanings should always be left to professionals who are trained to handle potentially biohazardous materials. There is often a significant amount of blood at crime scenes involving death, and there is a science to getting it fully removed and properly sanitized. Firestorm Disaster Services, LLC follows all OSHA safety requirements with the cleaning of blood splatter, as well as the disposal of bio-medical waste.  The crime scene is also treated with a disinfectant and deodorizer as part of our complete restoration process.


Cleaning After an Unattended Death

There is a special process for cleaning a property where an unattended death has occurred once the police and medical examiner process the evidence. Sometimes, days and weeks may have passed before the body was discovered, making the cleanup process all the more laborious. These scenes are contaminated with bodily fluids including large amounts of blood, that can contain dangerous pathogens. Death cleanup should be left to the professionals at Firestorm Disaster Services, LLC. These scenes are both emotionally and physically unsafe. Call (724) 582-7027 for quick and professional care.

When Firestorm Disaster Services, LLC is called for property remediation after death is discovered, your team will be dispatched with proper safety gear, PPE and EPA-approved cleaning agents to thoroughly clean, disinfect and deodorize the area. 

Call for Fast FREE Quote

(724) 582-7027

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